Friday, June 26, 2015


I hear it from my kids all the time “That’s not fair!”  “Why did he get that and I didn’t? That’s not fair!” “My friends get to stay out later, why don’t I? That’s not fair!” It’s a broken record. It’s worse than nails on a chalk board, a poison ivy rash or listening to Rosie Perez for more than 8 seconds!

It’s now a familiar refrain we hear in the media all the time. Fairness this and fairness that.

News Flash! LIFE’S NOT FAIR!

Never has been, never will be. No one promised life would be fair. If they did, they lied to you.

Here’s what’s fair… You can make your life better with ingenuity, persistence and hard work.

It’s true, some of us have been blessed with better circumstances than others. But regardless of where we start, we can always end off better.

Some of our greatest hero’s started off in poor situations. Joan of Arc, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Owens, Winston Churchill, Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, should I go on?

It has been said “Attitude will determine altitude.” We can make anything of ourselves. Others have done it, we can too.

“It’s not fair” isn’t a statement of opportunity, it’s a cop-out!

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I told our children all of their lives from toddler to older teen that "fairness was the enemy of justice and mercy." As "mature" adults, they get it.
