Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Two Most Powerful Words In The World

“Thank you.”

That’s it. Nothing spectacular. Nothing abstract. They aren’t even elegant.

But they are very powerful. They can move an individual to work harder or do a better job. They can change attitudes and outlooks. These two words, as simple as they are, can start to mend relationships that have been damaged for years.

Think of the last time someone said “Thank you” to you for something.  Anything. It could have been for something you did that wasn’t even difficult. How did it make you feel? Did it put a smile on your face? Did it motivate you to do it again or better? Did you have a little more pep in your step?

Now think of a time when you did something and no one thanked you.

Wow! Even thinking about it felt bad.

This is why “Thank you” are the two most powerful words in the world. They motivate, they uplift, and they can change a person in an instant.

When was the last time you said “Thank you” to those people in the shadows? A janitor, a garbage man, a store clerk, the housekeeper or bellman. And the people in your life that matter most, your children and spouse?

“Thank you” could be the two words that change a person’s life and sky rockets them to greatness.

Thank you.

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