Monday, June 29, 2015

The Problem With Lying

The things I am going to write about today may be a little controversial. They’re not meant to be. They shouldn't be. I am going to delve into the arena of politics.

My words are directed at all politicians, all those who want to be politicians, all appointed cabinet or department heads, all spokes-persons, all political parties and all media.


Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about the media. They are privately held companies that have their own agendas, viewpoints and slants.

But our politicians and their cohorts are another story.

How is our representative republic (we are not a democracy) supposed to work correctly with an uninformed or misinformed public? How is the voting public supposed to vote for the best individual when they can’t tell the difference between them? How is the voting public supposed to know who's corrupt and needs to be removed from office?

Let me be perfectly clear, this is not confined to one person, one politician, one party or one media outlet. It is rampant. It is engrained in the system. It is prevalent.

The lies and mistruths are disgusting, immoral and wrong. Yes, I said it wrong!

We, as the public, need to search for truth. Not what we want to hear, not what will make our lives easier, not what feels right at the time. We need to know the truth.

Unfortunately this is going to take work. It is going to take time. It is going to take commitment. It is going to take courage. It is going to take unending digging.

Then when we hear lies from politicians, their spokes-persons, their appointees or their marketing departments, we need to hold them accountable and we need to vote them out of office.

Just like a few firings at work for poor performance sends a message loud and clear to the other employees, if we vote some of these lying politicians, and their minions, out of office, the others will get the message and straighten up!

EFX: Drop the microphone…

I’m done!

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